Unlike ordering take-out from a restaurant, our service provides meals that are sold in packages. Our main options are below with the minimum order being 4 meals.
If you require something different from what is listed, we are more than happy to work with you!
Package pricing includes delivery, packaging, food, and labor costs.
(8% sales tax is not included)
You may download additional package options here:
Weekly Subscription Packages
*If you are subscribed to a Meat and Seafood package and wish to order an entrée from the Vegetarian menu you may do so at the Meat and Seafood package rate. Mixed orders default to the Meat and Seafood rate unless we establish an agreed-upon number of Vegetarian and Meat and Seafood selections you will make with each order. We can talk about this on your discovery call and come up with a rate that reflects your blend of choices.
Portions Explained
One serving feeds one adult or two small children. Meat & Seafood options include 5oz of protein, one cup of starch, and a pile of veggies. This shifts a little depending on the dish. Vegetarian meals are balanced a lot like our Meat and Seafood meals.